TRAINING ARTICLES, VIDEOS & ALL THINGS TRIATHLONStructuring your Winter training for Outlaw and Half Outlaw Success

In winter, the daylight hours are short, and the weather is often challenging to train in. This means that, for a lot of people, training time is limited and often requires that extra bit of motivation.
As such, a lot of athletes find themselves asking the question of how to make the most of their winter training time. With time at a premium, it’s important that you make every session count.
With over six months to go to race day, you’re in a great position to make significant fitness gains during the winter months, as long as you plan the use of your time effectively.
Winter Training Overview
The best training approach over winter is the one that will give you the biggest overall improvement in your performance come race day.
For triathletes racing either Half Outlaw or the Full Outlaw distance, the bike leg will make up over half of your total event time come race day.
This means that, in terms of effort invested to improve your fitness, the biggest ‘bang for your buck’ that you can get in training is going to be improving your bike fitness.
This fits with the time of year perfectly, as the relatively short, high intensity bike sessions are best completed indoors on a turbo trainer.
This bike training focus has the added benefit that the cardiovascular fitness that you develop will also significantly help improve your run fitness, meaning that you don’t also need to do hard run intervals. That has the added bonus of vastly reducing injury risk. Swim training over winter will be heavily focused on improving your stroke mechanics and technique.
If you’d like to chat with us about winter training with Team Oxygenaddict, schedule a call here
Winter Bike Training
The ‘traditional’ approach to winter training is that of building your base fitness through riding lots of long, slow miles.
If you have the time (and weather) to do that, it’s still a valid training method. However, most age-group triathletes and are busy balancing work life, family life, and training. The shorter, colder days naturally mean less time realistically available to train in any given session, and makes riding in daylight a real challenge through the work week for most triathletes.
The winter focus that reaps the biggest rewards come race season is increasing your Functional Threshold Power (FTP) on the bike.
By increasing your FTP over winter, when you transition to more riding outdoors in the spring, you’ll be able to ride faster for the same effort.
This will translate into significant speed increases, for the same relative effort, over any race distance. It might mean that you have to look for new training partners though!
The good news is that it’s relatively simple to increase your FTP – focused intervals on the turbo trainer at the correct intensity are proven to do that. The bad news is that it’s not easy!
You have to be prepared to spend your winter doing some hard work. But, as long as you’re prepared to work hard and commit to some intense indoor sessions, you’ll reap the rewards and can start seeing a noticeable difference in as little as four weeks.
We’ve seen typical results of athletes getting an increase of on average 8-10% in FTP over an 8 week block, so it’s possible to end the winter in SIGNIFICANTLY better bike shape than you started it!
An example of a really good main set to improve your FTP is:
- Warm up for around 10 minutes
- Complete a main set of 6 x 5 minute intervals, at 100% of your functional threshold power (FTP) or heart rate (FT-Hr), with a minute recovery after each interval.
- Cool down for 10 minutes
You can get full details of how to calculate FTP and FT-Hr here
Winter Run Training
It’s tempting to assume that in order to improve your running over winter, you need to be going hard and doing lots of tempo and interval sets.
However, your winter bike training is focused on building your functional threshold power, and you can only train hard a limited number of times in a week.
This means that, in order for your run training to compliment your bike training, it makes sense for running to be at an easy or steady pace.
Running slower than you are used to is still really effective at building run durability – the ability of your body to absorb run training without picking up soreness, niggles or injuries.
Easy running will help develop your running biomechanics and strengthen your ligaments, tendons and run-specific muscles. Athletes who take this approach often find they get a really consistent winter of run training in the bank – with few or no sessions lost to niggles and injury.
That run durability, when combined with the high levels of cardiovascular fitness gained from bike interval sessions, means it’s common for athletes to set personal bests in run races in the spring – despite them having done no ‘fast’ running all winter!
Calculate your run pace zones with our calculator here
Use the run pace calculator to find your E-pace, and try your next steady run at that pace. You’ll be surprised how much easier you can run and still get massive performance increases as part of a structured plan!
Winter Swim Training
The most effective use of your pool time is going to be to improve your stroke mechanics and technique during winter.
Aim to build fitness as a byproduct of practicing perfect technique, rather than swimming hard intervals. In swimming, practice DOESN’T make perfect – practice makes permanent.
Only perfect practice makes perfect.
With that in mind, if you know that you have stroke flaws (which even the most accomplished swimmers do), it makes most sense to spend your swimming time improving your technique, rather than swimming hard intervals that will just embed your current stroke flaws into your muscle memory.
Time invested in improving stroke flaws will mean that you can then use your fitness to apply force to the water more effectively, moving faster through the water for less effort.
Sessions focused on practicing specific drills, and then swimming with mindful intent to hold good form, will see you make big improvements over the winter.
Then, as race day gets closer, you can focus more on improving your swim fitness and endurance with your new, more effective stroke.
If this article has resonated with you and you’d like to find out more about winter training with Team Oxygenaddict schedule a call here.
And, if you’re ready to start training with Team Oxygenaddict, click below to see our coaching options:
Hydration for Indoor Triathlon Training
Hydration for Indoor Triathlon Training
Hopefully it goes without saying that staying hydrated, particularly while training on the treadmill or turbo trainer, is important.
But how exactly should you be hydrating yourself in these sessions?
Watch Coach Rob explain below…
In a nutshell, you need to be adding water and electrolytes back into your body at the same rate they’re leaving.
One of the big challenges with indoor training is how hot you get compared to outside. That’s not because it’s so much hotter inside, but because you don’t have the air flowing over your skin to keep you cool, as is the case outside.
When you do have the air flow over your skin, it is carrying water and sweat away from your skin, taking the heat away from your body. And of course you don’t have this effect indoors.
You can see the effect for yourself by doing a relatively easy turbo session and seeing just how great a build up of sweat there is on your skin. Then turn a fan on. You’ll find it’ll help the water evaporate off your skin and cool you down.
So – it’s the heat that’s the problem, not the sweat.
As your body sweats it takes sodium and other electrolytes with it. The amount of electrolytes lost varies person to person. If you find yourself often cramping up after a hard turbo session, the chances are you’re a heavy sweater that loses a lot of electrolytes in your sweat.
The heaviest sweaters, like Coach Rob, can lose up to 1500mg of sodium per hour. For context – most of the ‘standard’ electrolyte tablets available provide around 300mg of sodium per tablet- so a lot less than a heavy sweater would need to replenish what has been lost.
Team Oxygenaddict partners, Precision Hydration offer a free online sweat test to help you assess how much sodium you’re likely to be losing and also offer an in-person test for more accurate results. (Team Oxygenaddict athletes also get 15% off Precision Hydration’s products online).
So in summary: use a fan to keep cool while indoor training, and assess the quantity of electrolytes along with liquids you need to replenish based on the amount you’re losing.
Using Fat as Fuel in Long Distance Triathlon
Using Fat as Fuel in Long Distance Triathlon
Fat burning is a hugely important topic and area of consideration for people completing Iron distance, and even 70.3 distance triathlons.
Fat burning is going to take place naturally anyway – regardless of what you eat or how you fuel yourself. It’s how our bodies typically source fuel when exercising at low intensity.
Coach Rob explains below why this is important in long distance triathlon and how to make the most of it.
For most athletes, higher intensity means your body has a greater reliance on carbohydrate metabolism, and actually shuts off the fat burning metabolism as a source of fuel.
So – training hard and fast all the time means your body won’t make the adaptation to become more efficient at burning fat – i.e. learning to get more of its required energy from fat.
This is why it’s quite common to see very good age-group, and even pro triathletes over the Olympic distance, really struggle to step up to Ironman. Their bodies often simply can’t keep going long enough to perform well over longer distances.
With sustained training in improving your efficiency of fat burning your body can provide an increased amount of energy per minute from your natural fat stores to fuel you over an extended period of time.
This is incredibly important as our bodies can provide a seemingly endless supply (in the context of long distance triathlon) of natural fat. The amount of carbohydrates the human body can metabolise is limited – typically to around 300 calories per hour. An Ironman athlete will burn way more than that per hour, for many hours – so without fat as a fuel source there’d be a significant calorie deficit. It’s this deficit that leads to some of the struggles that we so often see people having in the latter stages of an Ironman race.
So it’s important to ‘train’ your body to burn fat.
If you’re a relative beginner long-distance triathlete and don’t have much of an endurance background, this is one of the biggest things to make sure you get right in the lead up to your race.
That’ll mean dedicating time to train at / below your aerobic threshold. That is – the level at which your body is still mainly using fat as it’s source of fuel. As you spend more time training at this level your body will adapt, providing a greater proportion of your fuel from this fat source. Over time therefore, you’ll gradually be able to go faster while still fulfilling your energy needs from your own natural fat supplies.
A great way to begin to train your body, as counter-intuitive as this may sound for triathlon, is to go for a hike! So – extended periods of time at a relatively low intensity, where you don’t need to rely on gels, sweets etc.
Likewise – long, slow bike rides are also great for this, as long as the pace is kept conversational (i.e. easy). As a general rule of thumb if you can hold a conversation your body is in it’s fat burning zone! The minute you switch to a heavier, more laboured breathing style that’s likely to be when your body is switching to burning carbohydrates rather than fat.
If you use a heart rate monitor the middle of Zone 2 is the perfect place to be. If you use a power meter on your bike, 68-70% of your FTP is around what you should be aiming for. The key though, is for the pace to remain conversational.
Over time your aerobic threshold – i.e. your fat burning threshold – will increase and improve. To give you an idea of what’s possible it’s not uncommon for pro-ironmen to complete their bike leg at ~80% of their FTP while remaining aerobic – i.e. getting most of their energy from fat, even though the intensity is relatively high.
So if you’re stepping up to long distance triathlon – please do make sure you factor this critical element into your preparation and training.
Team Oxygenaddict athlete: Matt Wackett
Team Oxygenaddict athlete: Matt Wackett
Sub-11 in his debut Ironman at IMUK this year!
Not bad to say the least, well done Matt!
Matt was kind enough to talk to us about everything involved in getting him to the start (and finish) line, and how Team Oxygenaddict has helped him along the way.
Team Oxygenaddict athlete: David Waugh
Team Oxygenaddict athlete: David Waugh
David has been with Team Oxygenaddict since the start of 2016 – the beginning of his journey to become an Ironman!
The first major challenge for him on that journey was Long Course Weekend – hear his thoughts on how being part of Team Oxygenaddict has helped his ability and confidence on his triathlon journey so far
Team Oxygenaddict athlete: Chris Scott
Team Oxygenaddict athlete: Chris Scott
Chris became a Team Oxygenaddict member in early 2016.
Previously he’d trained for and completed a 70.3 distance triathlon but was looking to make the step up to Ironman.
Listen to Chris explain how team Oxygenaddict helped him achieve his first Ironman finish, and how he’s found the journey along the way
The Importance of Rest & Recovery in Triathlon Training
The Importance of Rest & Recovery in Triathlon Training
Rest and recovery is an essential part of a training week yet it seems it’s often harder for triathletes to rest and recover properly than it is to train!
As highly motivated athletes who want to be the best you can be, it’s very easy to fall into the mindset that if you’re not training, you’re not improving.
Here’s Coach Rob explaining why that’s not the case…
In Team Oxygenaddict we really push the need to take your prescribed rest days / recovery sessions as just that. Otherwise your body will struggle to make the adaptations and improvements in fitness that you desire and deserve – because that’s what it requires for that.
Rest & recovery doesn’t necessarily mean doing nothing though. Our sessions might involve a shorter, and DEFINITELY easier swim / bike. Such sessions are designed to promote blood flow to your muscles to help with recovery. You’ll often feel much better at the end of these sessions than you did at the start.
Think of them as a free massage!
Related to this, and a topic that crops up a lot in Team Oxygenaddict is the mindset of missing sessions.
That is, the mindset that if you missed a session one day, the logical thing to do is to add it onto the following day’s training schedule. It most definitely isn’t the thing to do!
The majority of us are balancing work, family and life in general with training. Inevitably then, there will be days where sessions are missed. It’s not the end of the world.
Stacking multiple days worth of sessions into a single day typically means you don’t get the desired training benefit from each individual session. Typically athletes under perform in those sessions and often tire themselves out having a knock on effect on upcoming sessions.
Team Oxygenaddict athletes often post their situations in our Facebook group – with the assumption that their recovery day should be scrapped in favour of the missed session. Or that a hard session can be squeezed in somewhere to make up for missing a session.
The advice from me is usually always the same. That is, in terms of the bigger picture of your training goals and plan, there’s no benefit (and often a detriment) to foregoing recovery days or finding a way to fit extra hard sessions in in the short term.
So as well as providing you with a training plan relative to your goals, ability, experience and available time to train, we’re also there to help stop you making bad training decision that can lead to fatigue, overtraining, or injury.
If that sounds like you, why not see how we can help you get the most out your training for the coming season!
Team Oxygenaddict athlete: Shayne Wilson
Team Oxygenaddict athlete: Shayne Wilson
We caught up with one of our Team Oxygenaddict athletes, Shayne Wilson to have a chat about his experiences this year of being part of the team.
Have a listen to what he has to say!
**UPDATE** since recording this video Shayne has had confirmation that he’s qualified to represent the GB Age Group triathlon team at the ETU championships in Dusseldorf in 2017. Congratulations Shayne!
Improve your Triathlon Run Split – AND Avoid Injury
Improve your Triathlon Run Split – AND Avoid Injury
Triathlon training, as we all know, is a delicate balance of swimming, biking and running.
A lot of triathletes have probably also found out to their cost, that injuries are most likely to occur from running – simply because of the greater pounding your joints and muscles take compared to swimming and biking.
In the video below, Coach Rob talks through the Team Oxygenaddict approach to avoiding injury while improving your running.
To start with, the most effective way to improve your running ability in triathlon is to not get injured.
Sounds obvious, right?
So it follows that you should be thinking really carefully about any run training sessions that risk you picking up a niggle or affecting your ability to train in ANY of swim, bike or run.
A lot of Team Oxygenaddict’s run training is centred around ‘easy’ and ‘steady’ runs.
This is almost always a new, and often questionable concept for our athletes who are all about improving times and racing as fast as possible.
“How is my running going to improve if there’s little speed work in training?”
It’s a sensible question, and one that we’ve answered, and later been able to show evidence of, many times!
So lets take a step back and look at triathlon training as a whole. in Team Oxygenaddict, over winter our athletes typically have a couple of hard bike sessions per week. These sessions are aimed at improving your bike power but also have the benefit of building your cardiovascular system.
If you are “just” a runner then yes – you likely need to push yourself hard while running, to improve. But we’re multi-disciplined. We’re already pushing ourselves hard through the winter bike and swim session(s) each week.
So our focus of running becomes more about conditioning, strengthening and improving the durability of your run-specific ligaments, tendons and muscles. But you don’t need to run hard to do that. Longer, slower runs are just as effective at achieving this and provide the benefit of significantly reducing the chance of injury and the ability to recover quicker compared to higher intensity running.
So you’ll have had a winter of building your cardio ability via hard bike sessions and conditioning your body for running. When winter passes and you transition to riding outdoors and focusing more on bike endurance, you’ll have a bullet-proof body. It’ll be injury protected and ready to absorb some harder, faster running sessions that we’ll then prescribe in your training plan.
We’ve seen a number of our Ironman and 70.3 athletes achieve 5km and 10km PBs this year by following this philosophy. Quite a few of these were already fast runners – well under 40 minutes for 10km – and still managed to knock more than a minute off their PB.
So, who fancies running faster by running slower 🙂
Team Oxygenaddict athlete: Sybille Schorm
Team Oxygenaddict athlete: Sybille Schorm
Sybille Schorm has been a member of the Team since early 2016. We caught up with her to chat about Ironman Copenhagen, and how she’s found the transition to structured, coach-supported training in team Oxygenaddict.
So, Sybille – your big race of the year was IM Copenhagen – let’s jump straight into that… How did it go?
Racing in Copenhagen was a great experience. Any triathlete will tell you the “perfect race” doesn’t really exist, but given I hoped to finish in under 12 hours and my finish time was 11:08, I think it was a pretty good day. I was also really pleased with 13th in my age group so I had plenty to celebrate!
You’ve worked hard on your bike and we’ve seen you progress into a really strong biker this year – did your hard work pay off on race day?
I have to admit, I’m actually very proud of my bike performance. Once I’d recovered from the very cold swim and got into a rhythm on the bike I felt strong. I went past loads of guys on their fancy tri bikes (I was on my road bike with clip-on aero bars) and really enjoyed the lovely Danish countryside.
I completed the bike in 5:36. In retrospect it might have been a little too hard as the run was tougher than expected but no regrets because I had a lot of fun!
When we were chatting afterwards in the team Facebook group you said the “run:walk” strategy helped get you through the marathon?
Yes, definitely – that and the great support of many of my club mates who were at the race. An old hamstring injury flared up on the run so taking Coach Rob’s advice of walking through aid stations to get plenty of fuel and give my legs the chance of some recovery was a lifesaver!
I finished the marathon in 4:07 so all things considered I don’t think I can really complain.
So you joined Team Oxygenaddict in early 2016 – what was your background and experience in triathlon prior to that?
Before I came to Triathlon 3 years ago, I was into running and also rowing, on and off for about 11 years. Mostly, I enjoyed running half marathons and marathons, taking part in big city races like Berlin, Vienna, Paris etc. I Loved it, but pure running can be hard on your body, especially when you get older, so I decided to learn how to front crawl and eventually got a bike and started commuting to work.
It sounds like there probably wasn’t much structure to your training back then?
Exactly – it actually makes me giggle, thinking back two years ago, I had no idea what I was doing. I would just cycle to work and back. At the weekend I pedalled around the Surrey hills, without a GPS, heart rate monitor or watch. I’d often get lost and had to ask other random cyclists for the way back to London!
People always looked at me strangely but were all really helpful and friendly and I always made it back in one piece.
So how and when did you start to take your training a little more seriously?
Someone suggested I joined a Tri club and I finally joined my Ful-on Tri two years ago. It’s great to have the option of training in a club – there is so much knowledge that helped me actually form a vaguely structured training plan!
However, the club mainly catered for shorter races and I ended up doing some quite random sessions tailored towards club events (usually sprint / Olympic distances).
Triathletes tackling longer events usually had a coach, but I found this option very expensive. It seemed you could easily find yourself spending hundreds of pounds per month for a tri coach and I just didn’t want to spend that much money.
It sounds like the timing of Team Oxygenaddict was perfect for you then!
Yes – when I heard Rob was launching Team Oxygenaddict and saw the price relative to 1:1 coaching I wanted to give it a go. I’d never had structured training before and I so I was interested to see how much of a difference it would make.
And how have you found it being a member?
Well I have a structured training plan built around my goals and specific races and we’ve got the group aspect which I really like too. Having access to a coach (Rob) in the Facebook group for random questions, coaching tips and advice on tweaking my training plan when something unforeseen crops up is great.
But not just Rob – the ability to chat to and get motivation from other team members is brilliant. There have been a few times I’ve posted my turbo training woes, and straight away team mates jump on it and give me exactly the support and motivation I need to bounce back!
Comparing what we have in the team with friends who have private coaches, it gives me everything I need and more – it works very well for me.
Having not really had a structured training plan before, has the training been what you expected?
It’s so much better than I was expecting, It’s a structured training from a coach who not only gives you sessions, but also outlines the purpose and idea behind them. As I had never had a coach before it took a bit of time to put my full trust and faith in Rob and his training philosophy, but now I’m glad I did!
Ha ha, yes – we’ve had quite a few discussions about the 9:1 run/walk philosophy this year haven’t we!
Indeed! I never thought I’d hear myself saying “I plan to walk in the IM run”. It took me a long time to take it on board and commit to it in training, but I came to the conclusion that an IM run is something completely different to a marathon on its own.
I’m still amazed how quickly you can recover from a long run done with 9 minutes running and 1 minute steady walking. At the end you are not that much slower AND you can be ready for the next day’s sessions.
But yes, eventually you convinced me that the 9:1 approach is very helpful in IM training. I’m glad you did – otherwise my memories of IM Copenhagen could have been a very different 🙂
Well we love having you in the team and we’re really happy to see how you’ve progressed this year.
Thanks! Being part of the team makes a massive difference. It’s a big motivation when things get hard and it’s great to know there is a team behind you wanting you to do well. It’s nice to have gotten to know the other guys and girls in the team this year too, it actually feels like a community now.
And finally what’s in store for next season?
I have to say, I’m enjoying my off season, but I feel I’ve learnt so much about how to train and what I’m capable of, that I’d like to race another IM next year. There are just too many nice races to choose from though! That said, I’ve learnt that my strengths are better suited to hilly races so that’s what I’ll probably be on the lookout for.