Exclusive FREE webinar from Coach Rob Wilby & TEAM OXYGENADDICT
OFFICIAL COACHING PARTNERS of the Outlaw Triathlon Series


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YOUR HOST: Rob Wilby – Team Oxygenaddict Founder & Head Coach

Team Oxygenaddict are OFFICIAL COACHING PARTNERS of the Outlaw series of triathlons

Rob is the creator of the T.I.M.E. Training System, used to great success by HUNDREDS of age-groupers at Ironman & 70.3 distance triathlons. From first timers to Kona qualifiers and Ironman age-group winners

He works for the British Triathlon Federation, creating, implementing and assessing the federation’s official courses for new triathlon coaches in Great Britain

Runner up in the “220 Triathlon 2018 Coach of the Year” award

And has been featured in 220Triathlon magazine, Training Peaks and Totally Active Magazine

In this 60 minute webinar we’ll cover:
  • How to structure your run training between now and race-day
  • The exact run sessions to complete each week to ensure you’re strong and fast on race-day
  • When, how and why to incorporate brick sessions into your training
  • Why effective bike training will also make you a faster, stronger runner
  • How not to jeopardise your run performance before you even start running
  • How to pace the run leg of your triathlon to ensure you finish at least as strong as you start
  • Why your run speed isn’t the limiting factor of your run performance and why that’s important

You’ll leave this webinar understanding in detail the EXACT training system, methodology and sessions that have helped HUNDREDS of my athletes see huge increases in their run performances over 70.3 & Iron-distance triathlons.

I’ll cover the above in 20-30 minutes, and then have 30-40 minutes for a live Q&A​. So come prepared with your questions

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