…for choosing Team Oxygenaddict – “Official Coaching Partners” to the Outlaw Triathlon Series
Over the next few months you’ll experience for yourself how Team Oxygenaddict’s “T.I.M.E. Training System” that has helped hundreds of athletes make HUGE gains in their swimming, biking & running during their winter training block.
There is no better way to increase bike power, improve your swim technique and strengthen run durability ready for your half or full distance Outlaw Triathlon, without training taking over your life.
- Check your email – you’ll shortly receive a message from us with instructions to set up / attach your Training Peaks account to us, so that we can apply your training plan
- Within 48 hours of linking your account, you’ll see your training plan in Training Peaks.
- We will be in touch to walk you through all the “need-to-knows” of your winter training plan in the coming days
- You’ll also receive an invite to our Outlaw Coaching Call – an monthly, online Q&A which is your opportunity to ask any questions you have about your training plan