Thank You!

Your membership has been successfully processed.

If this is a new account you've created (i.e. not a renewal or upgrade of an existing account) you'll receive a few emails from us over the coming days (starting now), with details of a number of things we need from you to get your membership and training plan up and running ASAP.
Look out for those emails, but if they are delayed or if there are any problems with them for any reason please email And if that is the case, here are the important things we need you to do:
  1. Create and / or link your Training Peaks account to us Click here to do that
  2. Join the Team Oxygenaddict athlete community (this is really important as it's where all coach support happens). Click here to join
  3. Complete our athlete questionnaire. Click here to provide your information
  4. Let us know your priority race plans for the coming season. Click here for that

Please note - we can't create and apply your training plan until we've received both the athlete questionnaire and race plans form back from you, and you've created / linked your Training Peaks account.




Once you've completed the 4 steps above, watch the following welcome video (this will also be available to view in the member's area here later, as well as in the Team Oxygenaddict online athlete community). It'll help you with:

  1. Setting your power and HR zones after your FTP test
  2. Auto-sync your garmin after each workout
  3. Swimming drills
  4. Working out your run paces for training
  5. Working out your swim paces for training



If there have been any issues or if you have any further questions please click here to contact us

While we get you up and running, check out all of your training resources in our member's area

It's great to have you on board with Team Oxygenaddict and hope you have an amazing year of triathlon!

Coach Rob Wilby