What is Functional Threshold Power (FTP)?

by | Aug 23, 2016 | 0 comments

Coach Rob explains what Functional Threshold Power (FTP) is, how it’s measured using a power meter, and what to do with your FTP number when you know it.

FTP is essentially the power, in watts, that you could reasonably sustain for an hour in a race situation. It enables the calculation of different power ‘zones’ to train in for different types of fitness.

Heart rate data can be used as a proxy for threshold power – it won’t give you the pin-point accuracy that a power meter will, but it’s better than nothing!

We are a big fan of power meters – yes – they are expensive (but getting cheaper every year) but in terms of ensuring accuracy and consistency in training, there’s no better investment in our opinion

Watch the video below for much more detail.